
Tuesday, February 09, 2016

English-born Stirling student Gemma Batty 

hopes to play for Scotland from July 2017

 Leeds-born Stirling University student Gemma Batty is counting down the days to July 2017 when she will be come eligible to play for the Scotland women's amateur golf international team. 
Moffat-based and a member of Powfoot Golf Club, Gemma  won't be able to play in the Scottish women's closed amateur  championship until 2018 but she moved to live in Scotland permanently on July 1, 2014 so she will be eligible to represent Scotland from July 2017 onwards under the three-year residency clause for non-Scots or those who do not have a Scottish-born parent.
In the recent Portuguese women's amateur championship, Batty played under the banner of "Scotland," but that does not count as a cap.
"Dean Robertson (SGU coach based at Stirling University) has unofficially adopted me as Scottish! I am under the banner of Scotland as my handicap is administered in Scotland," says Gemma.
"I am currently 18 months into the required three years' residency, after which I hope to represent Scotland. I have had no interest from England with regards to me representing them in national tournaments or training. "
Gemma has been consistently successful on the Scottish universities' women's golf tournaments.