Wednesday, February 29, 2012


LGU clarifies position on Curtis Cup selection

In response to some of the media coverage over the last 24 hours, the LGU is taking the opportunity to clarify the position regarding Charley Hull’s decision to withdraw from the Curtis Cup team trial at Nairn from 23-25 March. The LGU is disappointed at Charley’s withdrawal from the squad.
Despite media interpretation, the timing of the team trial does not conflict with the LPGA’s Kraft Nabisco event to which the player has been invited, and in fact Charley could, had she wanted, have played in both.
Charley’s representative yesterday advised the LGU that “She appreciates that her absence from the training may jeopardise her chances of being selected for the Curtis Cup team and may preclude her from future LGU teams”.
Charley further told the LGU “…. thats my final decision, I would of kicked my myself if i would of refused it and then didn't get picked! Would of been different if it was the same time as the C cup but as it's a practice\trial my decision is to play in the 1st major of the LPGA”
The LGU has again invited Charley to rethink her decision to withdraw and has indeed tried to reach a further accommodation with her, offering that she flies out to the USA on the Sunday of the team trial, which would give her sufficient time to travel to the Kraft Nabisco which starts the following Thursday.
To date there has been no reply to this suggestion from either the player or her representatives.
All the squad players were made aware of the importance of the team trial, and signed a “player agreement” committing to attend. The team trial is the final element of the selection process and is aimed, inter alia, at: ·

Familiarising the players with the course
Giving the selectors the opportunity to see how the players handle the course  
Assessing how the players respond to pressure in a team golf environment.

The players willingly committed to attend the team trial on the understanding that attendance is compulsory, and such is the importance being placed on this session that the LGU is bringing a player back from the USA to participate.
The door remains open for Charley to attend the trial at Nairn and then travel to the USA for the Kraft Nabisco.
While disappointed at Charley’s decision, the LGU considers the remaining squad members world class players in their own right and is confident that a strong team will be selected for the match in June.

Susan Simpson
Head of Golf Operations
LGU Championships Ltd
Ladies' Golf Union
St Andrews, KY16 9AT
Tel 01334 475811
Fax 01334 472818
