
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is no caddie fire-proof? Tseng sacks bagman Poitevent

after WINNING the Kraft Nabisco Championship

By Beth Ann Baldry
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – The caddie/player relationship can be a confounding puzzle. Yani Tseng has fired her caddie, Dave Poitevent, after winning the Kraft Nabisco Championship, a major title in the world of women's pro golf and their second victory in 2010. The pair also posted two top-three finishes in Asia.
Tseng said it was a matter of chemistry, though she did credit Poitevent for helping her learn to trust herself more on the course. Clearly, results aren’t everything around here.
Tseng has Tom Thorpe on the bag this week in Jamaica, a veteran caddie of 26 years. Thorpe parted ways with Song-Hee Kim after the Kraft. He spent 10 years working for Nancy Lopez and looped for Lorena Ochoa early in her career.
Solving the caddie equation could be a big part of Tseng’s long-term success. Her first two years on tour she relied on the help of good friend Sherry Lin, but has since realised she needs a more experienced looper. Lin now acts the part of road manager, which is probably a good move.
